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    on Aug. 23转会新闻
    发布日期:2024-05-27 11:37    点击次数:141

    Tourists visit the Pigeon Rocks in Beirut, Lebanon转会新闻, on Aug. 23, 2023. (Xinhua/Liu Zongya)

    BEIRUT, Aug. 26 (Xinhua) -- Off the coast of Lebanon's capital Beirut lies one of the city's most captivating landmarks -- Pigeon Rocks, consisting of two magnificent rock formations. 

    Perched tantalizingly close to the Mediterranean Sea, Pigeon Rocks has drawn in water sports enthusiasts who seek a retreat from the scorching summer heat. Here, tourists can immerse themselves in exhilarating cliff diving and leisurely boating, fully surrendering to the enchantment of the coastal splendor.

    Moreover, as the sun gently descends towards the horizon, tourists who yearn for more serene moments will be gifted with the remarkable sunset view merging with the stunning coastline. 

    Tourists visit the Pigeon Rocks in Beirut, Lebanon, on Aug. 23, 2023. (Xinhua/Liu Zongya)

    Tourists go canoeing near the Pigeon Rocks in Beirut, Lebanon, on Aug. 23, 2023. (Xinhua/Liu Zongya)

    Tourists paraglide along the coast of Beirut, Lebanon, on July 19, 2023. (Xinhua/Liu Zongya)

    File photo shows the sunset at Pigeon Rocks in Beirut, Lebanon, on March 25, 2019. (Xinhua/Bilal Jawich) ■
